Planning a Pandemic-Proof Wedding

The past year and a half has by no doubt been a tough one and a whirlwind at that. Planning a wedding in the midst of a pandemic, with the looming uncertainty and often quickly changing restrictions has been undoubtedly daunting and nerve racking. This time has however illuminated that love conquers all and has reminded us that time is precious so we must cherish the ones we love.  

We have seen a great variety of weddings, from socially distanced soirees to intimate elopements whatever your special day might look like we hope you can cherish every moment and make it your own kind of special! With restrictions easing and a sense of normal returning make sure to focus on what you can and not be disheartened by what you can’t. After all it is your wedding day, and is a day that you will remember for the rest of your life.  

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Here is a list of things you must consider planning a modern wedding in Australia amidst the pandemic.

  • Be patient and flexible  

With wedding planning flexibility is key and in pandemic wedding planning it is the only option. Try and stay calm and most of all patient with all parties involved, your local government, vendors and your families. Some things are purely out of your control and trying to control them will just make it feel all the more hectic.  

  • Communicate openly  

It can all be very overwhelming, remember you and your partner are in this together. Take time away from the chaos of wedding planning and simply spend quality time together. The stresses will melt away, just breathe.  

  • Prioritise  

What is most important to you and your partner? If it is a big soiree filled with all of your friends, simply post-pone until that is all possible. Discuss with your partner and figure out what are uniquely yours, with this focus you can come up with a plan from there. 

  • Prepare well and be organised 

Know what is required of you to be able to go ahead with your wedding. The following points will assist you in doing so.  

  • Stay updated with Government restrictions and safety guidelines

Australia has been lucky enough to not feel the full wrath of the pandemic, although it is still common for outbreaks to occur and therefore restrictions to be enforced. So first and foremost, you must consider what restrictions are in place and how may these impact your day. Whether you are planning on keeping it local or if you plan on travelling to somewhere within Australia. Make sure to keep updated on the current restrictions as this can have an impact on travel, whether that includes yourself, your party or your guests.  

Because of this uncertainty, consider keeping it local and intimate? With the chaos of the pandemic became the re-emergence of zoom. This is a safe alternative in which you can share your most intimate moment with as many loved ones as you like, all from the comfort of their own homes wherever in the world that may be. This enables you to get married now and save the full-scale reception for a little later.  

This may also implicate the limit of individuals you can have attend, the behaviours you can engage in ie. dancing or limited seated affairs, mask wearing and social distancing requirements.  

Check-out your local government websites to keep updated on restrictions or checkout the following website: COVID Wedding Rules & Restrictions

  • Contact Tracing

Whether a venue you’re hiring or a small gathering ensure that you have a complete list of all attendees down to those working at your event. This is to ensure that contact tracing is easily available if there was a scenario whereby it was required.

  • Hygiene

Communal food and beverages have previously been all the rage, but it is important to remember that communal areas where food or drinks are shared or served are hotspots for germs. So, ensure sanitiser is provided! Think about pre-packaged alternatives both food and beverages or alternatively consider a sit-down meal.

  • COVID-Safe Plan

Have open contact with your choice of venue. Any operating business must have a COVID-Safe Plan to host a gathering such as a wedding. The nitty gritty details will be able to be sorted for you and anything required of you will be communicated.

Finally have a backup plan. Weddings are never going to go 100% to plan, that is inevitable. Come up with a backup plan for your backup plan if your wedding ideas or plans have any uncertainties linked. This will mitigate the risks in the best way you can in the present environment. Whether you choose to get married during this crazy time or choose to post-pone we wish you the best wedding! 

Written and edited by Emily Sewell.  


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